This book is a result of the cultural programme to celebrate the 250 years of the Portuguese National Press, and is closely related to the exhibition with the same title, held at the “Picadeiro” (horse manege) of the National Museum of Natural History and Science in Lisbon.

Recounting the National Press’ story inevitably implies evoking the history of the industry in Portugal. From its initial mechanisation to what is currently called industry 4.0, which includes robotics and artificial intelligence, among others.
This story is also an insight to the evolution of Portuguese society, from a time of great inequalities in the social fabric and extremely high illiteracy to a global information and knowledge based society.

The challenge to unveil the history and heritage of the National Press’ 250 years old activity, drew together a team of researchers from the Contemporary History Institute of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa under the coordination of Maria Inęs Queiroz.

In line with its heritage, the National Press’ editorial strategy is based on valuing the Portuguese language and culture, ensuring a wide range of book series and several partnerships with public and private entities for publishing cooperation, namely of cultural motivation.

The Portuguese National Press has been responsible for the promotion of the Portuguese language and culture, but is equally world renowned for the creation, production and supply of printed goods and services that demand high safety standards.


Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda




Joăo Bicker, Rita Marquito

Photographs by
Daniel Santos